This is a remake of the the 1976 fusion album entitled, Velvet Darkness. I began the process by attempting to recreate the original cover with modernized vector artwork. I started by creating the sketches of the buildings and guitars, and then drew the lettering for the title. I then recreated my drawings in AI to create vector representations of the drawings. After deciding on a different background I gathered the photographs I need by going for a local hike. Finally I brought all the elements together in AI to create the final product. RIP Allan
Album Unfolded (Full)
“Velvet Darkness” Album Cover (Front)
(Back Cover)
Original Album Artwork (1976)
Preliminary Sketch (Graphite)
First Round Vector Drawing with Pictures
Vector Drawing of Steinberger Guitar
Vector Drawing of SynthAxe
Vector Drawing of Silhouette
Caravaggio Museum display intended for the San Jose Museum of Art. All of the displays are designed by Mike Jones in Illustrator and all photography as well. This display has a virtual exhibit where the viewers are supposed to imagine themselves as works from Caravaggio’s repertoire of classic paintings. Become Caravaggio!
All panels for the exhibit.
Initial poster design
Revised poster design
Final poster design
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 1 (revised)
Exhibit 1 (final)
“Early Works” panel display
Caravaggio’s Works for the Church display panel
Caravaggio’s works in Rome display panel
Virtual Exhibit poster
Museum Map
The Medusa on shield
Saint Jerome Writing
Doubting Thomas
Young Sick Bacchus
East Bay Logo Design